"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

MFW 1st Grade - Week #5

So our week #5 was a strange one.  Nothing normal about it at all.  Mon-Wednesday was relatively normal, but I could tell Caleb wasn't feeling great and wasn't really getting into it.  By Thursday I realized he was sick and probably needed to see the doctor.   We were blessed that a doctor I wanted to change to would see us that afternoon.  So, with med's we went through Friday, but really didn't push a whole lot of school.

When the following Monday rolled around, it was Labor Day and we had too much going on to even think about school.  Tuesday we were getting ready for Daddy's surgery in San Antonio the next day and Wednesday through Friday was surgery and hospital stay.

So, our next school day wasn't until the NEXT week and we started back to school on Tuesday, Sept 13th...Needless to say, Week #5 took two weeks to finish, but that's okay.  That's what homeschool is all about....And one of the reasons we started 1st grade in EARLY August was because I knew surgery week would probably lend itself to being too difficult to do school.   Getting a head start seemed the best option.

What did we cover in week #5??  We covered the same amount of material, I just don't have pictures to support this weeks study.

BIBLE:  This week our bible verse was, "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."  Proverbs 21:23  It is so amazing to me how Caleb can memorize these verses and sometimes so quickly.

We also talked this week about authors and what they are.  We discussed some of the authors of the bible, Moses, David, Matthew, Luke & Paul and how they wrote books of the bible but the real and true author was God.

READING:   Caleb learned that A, E,  I, and O had a LONG sound as well as the SHORT sound.    His word lists each day were huge, with 25-30 words to read using the new concepts.  He never ceases to amaze me how quickly he comprehends what we're learning.  He uses his red pencil to mark the words showing the vowel as a short or long vowel, and slashing any e's that are silent.  He gets it and that is so cool!

Our activity this week was writing a sentence every day using words with long and short vowels.  He made an "Animal Tales" book, but only half-heartedly drew pictures.  Some of them I'd help and draw and some he would add to what I drew.  Ultimately, he had fun and some giggles at the silly pictures we came up with.  "Five Pigs on a Plane," "A Mole with a Hot Stove," "The Men and the Green Snake," etc...

MATH:  We continued with counting concepts and did lots of math pages from our CBOM.  We're focusing a bit on counting by 2's and 5's.  I printed out a sheet showing counting to 100 using both methods.  We're going to recite this every day until he has it down.  He's really doing quite well and catching onto it quickly.  I don't think it will take long and he'll have those down firm.

SCIENCE:  This week was a study in Things Outdoors about Trees.  I think he enjoyed the study....we didn't get around to the hands on activities this time as it was rather chaotic with all that was happening.  But, he did learn about trees, their roots, how the leaves make food for the trees, and that the State Tree for Texas is the Pecan Tree.  The hands on activity was looking for "seeds" outside and doing a bark rubbing.  I think we were also supposed to make bean soup.  I figured the only person in my house that would eat the bean soup was me, so we just didn't bother with that.  We will probably still go back and do the bark rubbing and find some seeds around the yard to inspect.  I made the executive decision that it was more important to move forward with the more constructive concepts than worrying about a bark rubbing.  ;o)

During week #5 (actually on Sept 2nd)  he said the "months of the year" correctly and all by himself.  Considering we haven't really been focusing on that for very long, I was impressed.

Caleb's likes and dislikes:

* He loves to be read to.
* He did some reading out of his "I Can Read" book and was so excited!
* To play with the Cuisenaire Rods and the Wooden Blocks and pattern animals
* Bible time with the bible story and activity
* He seems to like math so far.  The CBOM worksheets are often fun and creative.

* Anything that he has to write.
* Doesn't care for drawing
* Why do I have to color???

Another close to and other MFW week...I'm so grateful for home school!  We have so much fun together and some days I'm learning (or relearning) right along with him and I love that!

God bless,

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