BIBLE: We talked this week about Jesus being the Way. We read scripture in John 14:1-11, Acts 4:12, Matthew 7:13-14, and Psalm 119:105.
Memory Verse: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:16
Bible Activity: Our activity this week had to do with drawing a line of chalk on the driveway. Caleb had to try to walk along the line while blind-folded. Then see where he ended up at the end. Okay, so my son is somewhat of a perfectionist and did not get too far off of the line as he walked. I was just glad he wasn't right on it, or the whole activity wouldn't have worked. The activity was used to show that only when we have the "Light," which is Jesus, can we walk on the right path to get to Heaven.
I let him walk the line again without the blind fold.
SPELLING: We finished up our review of the 60 spelling words this week and Caleb was tested on them. He did amazing!! We then moved onto another week of new words.
ENGLISH: Our first lesson this week consisted of a picture study. It was called "Saved," by a painter called Landseer. It was a picture of a large dog having rescued a small girl who had fallen in the water. We talked about it and went over some questions that came with the study. We had a couple of lessons that went over the use of a/an.
HISTORY/STATE STUDY: This week we talked about Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, and South Carolina. Caleb completed all coloring pages and cut-n-paste sheets for these states.
Read-A-Loud: The new read-a-loud book is called Farmer Boy. This is a rather thick book and is going to take a while for us to complete, as long as we don't read ahead. The book is actually written about the spouse of Laura Ingalls Wilder, when he was a small boy. It is very detail oriented and descriptive, but Caleb seems to be enjoying the story. So far we've learned about his family, what a school day is like, a winter evening and night, a surprise from the teacher, and what his birthday was like. It's really quite interesting.
Book Basket Reading:
We had a full week and did not get in any extra book basket books. Shame, shame.....well, honestly, we can't be perfect all the time.
Except for United Tweets of America. We're reading this book as we study the states. It talks about the state birds. As we talk about a state, we look up the bird and see what this book has to say.
MATH: We worked through several lessons in our math book.
SCIENCE: We continued our study of birds.
*We measured 14ft and learned that was how many worms a robin could eat in one day.
*We held 4 pennies and learned that was all a chickadee weighed.
Science Activities:
Make a Robin's Nest (one that WE can eat, not the birds):
They look good, but, I'm not sure we had the right noodles as they were extremely crunchy and hard on the teeth. Oh well......
Because even thought he is showing off here like he's going to take a HUGE bite, Caleb didn't even eat a nibble.
So, even though he is quite proud, these went in the trash about 4 hours later....
Bird Feeder Activity: We made a bird feeder out of a 2 liter bottle using a kit that came with our curriculum. It was fun to watch birds find the feeder!
HEALTH/MANNERS: This week our listen consisted of learning how to properly use a water fountain. Not a bad topic as these are still around and about. We've talked about it before, but it was good for him to see it as a topic in this book and know mom meant what she said. Caleb is a bit afraid of germs, so I never really have had trouble with him using a water fountain incorrectly....
Stockshow - we had some friends participating in the county livestock show so we spent a good part of our Wednesday at the show. We watched how the participants show chickens, we looked at nearly all the animals that were entered into the show. We enjoyed fresh lemonade, funnel cakes, a burger, and even a fajita gordita.....Mmmmm, all good stuff!
Rabbits - we've gone into the rabbit business and this week our homeschool has a new phase, checking on the rabbits in the morning and making sure everyone has food and water. Not a big deal, but it is another responsibility we have to take care of. No pictures, but maybe I'll take one soon.
Here's to another blessed week!!
Educating in Christ,