"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Desk and Work Area

I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.  My dear husband is customizing a desk and shelves for our home school area.  We don't have an extra room at our house, so we've turned the small cubby area in my son's bedroom into our home school area.  For months now, we've been "doing" school on a card table.  So, this is going to be a wonderful addition and will definitely help me get organized.

We are going from this:

And this:

To this....well, it's not finished, and this photo is rather dark, but this is the desk part anyway.  We'll soon have shelves up the wall behind the desk:

Will keep you posted and share the final results as soon as it's finished!!

God's blessings,

Monday, April 4, 2011

"P" for Penguin

I tried to hype up the letter "P" when it came time to study it.  Why would you ask?  Well, because my name begins with "P."  Our last name ends in "P," and we live in a community that begins with "P."   But, my little guy was less than impressed.  He just wanted to focus on the lesson and that was "P" for "Penguin."   ;o)

Every once in a while we come across a really fun story that suits the theme for the week/letter perfectly.  This is the case with letter "P."

This was one of the most enjoyable stories we've ever read.  I might even go as far as to put it on the top-ten list in my head.   I would highly recommend it!  We checked it out at the library and even though it says, "A True Story" across the cover, I grabbed it because I saw the penguin on the cover, never realizing it was a true story.  

See the big grin on my munchkin's face?  I told you he enjoyed this story...which is the story of a penguin who doesn't have any feathers to keep him warm...he's squawked at by the other penguins and he shivers all the time.  That is until a heroine comes along and saves the day!  Don't want to spoil it.

Look for it!  If you can find it don't pass it up!

Another story that was really cute was this one:

He was afraid to learn to swim....very cute and a fun read!

In His Name,